InSCREENeX GmbH was founded in December 2009 by Dr Roland Schucht and Dr Tobias May out of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI). InSCREENeX creates cellular systems for drug development. The scientists have more than 15 years of combined expertise in the field of genetic modification of mammalian cells, which has enabled them to develop two highly innovative technologies in this time: SCREENflex and CI-SCREEN.
Furthermore, InSCREENeX has been and continues to be involved in various German, European and international research projects with academic and industrial partners. In addition to new cell systems, innovative in vitro test systems are being developed in these projects; these range from personalised and disease-specific cell systems to three-dimensional tissues and organ-on-a-chip models. This means that, in the medium term, novel approaches can be developed in the testing of chemical substances, replacing animal experiments. In addition, innovative test systems will be designed in the long term, for more precise, personalised medicine, as well as completely new therapeutic approaches for regenerative medicine.
© Photos: InSCREENeX GmbH
Roland Schucht

Tobias May, CEO
Phone 0531-61815080
E-Mail tobias.may@inscreenex.com
Inhoffenstraße 7 38124 Braunschweig